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Kaiserschmarrn At Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop #35

kaiserschmarrnKaiserschmarrn, Favorite German Recipe
Welcome to the Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop! The Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop is a place where bloggers can share multicultural activities, crafts, recipes, and musings for our creative kids. We can't wait to see what you share this time! Created by Frances of Discovering the World through My Son's Eyes, the blog hop has now found a new home at Multicultural Kid Blogs.


Understanding Martin Luther King Jr Through His Quotes

There are many ways to understanding a hero’s personality, characters, and his battle. Whether through the biography, direct talk with his family, his writing, or else. Why we need to understand hero’s characters? Because by understanding their characters we can imitate their spirit and get inspired to fight for our idealism.


Learning History To Reach A Better Life

veteran stamps
History is the best teacher of life. That’s why I like to read history book. As a homeschool mom, I like to teach history to my son. Reading biography books or articles, write essay about history facts, discuss our family histories, etc.
If you see into my bookshelf, you will see that I have more historical books than math or science books! That’s because I prefer my son to learn from the past as his character building learning. If your characters are good, you will learn all the knowledge easily.


Unit Study, The Reason Why

The Reason Why I Choose Unit Study
One of homeschool method is called “unit study”. Unit study is a method where you combined all learning subject, such as math, science, language, motorik learning, art, or else into one single theme.
As a homeschool family, I had tried this method for my son, at the beginning of our homeschooling when he was at primary. But today he is grown up, he is a teenager, and the method are not match with his need. In fact, I like unit study. It is integrated all learning subject, that makes kid easy to interpret learning subjects to solve his daily problem.


Involving Kids Into Your Projects, How To Educate Kids About Work

involving kid at work
Some people said that school (especially in my country) is not educate kids for work readiness. School only makes pupils got good scores at tests, but without smart working skills.
That's horrible! Another sad fact, schooled kids can't understand Bahasa Indonesia well. They couldn't make formal letter properly, how can they ready to work if they can’t make the main aspect of working: application letter!



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