August Goals For My Country
- Writing
- 29 July 2016
If I look at the calendar, August is the time to back to school and my country's Independence Day. It is very pleasant to celebrate independence day with friends and neighbors. Usually, in our area, there are various traditional competitions, such as panjat pinang, lari karung, tarik tambang, and various sports competitions. It was very fun to watch the race.
I wanted to contribute something to my country, which according to my ability. This month I want to inspire readers to make a post on green craft, themed zero waste and recycle. This post is a round up post along with some bloggers who care about the earth, so if you would like to participate, write your link on comment box below.
My goal for back to school, I want to make a lot of sales for Back To School & Early Years Bundle sale 92% OFF! This sale is very interesting! I will use the dollars from this sale to pay my blog’s domain and hosting next year.
What are your goals for the August? Please post your link on InLinkz below.
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