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How To Choose Learning Materials That Fit With My Son

how to choose learning material for homeschool
Learning materials are available abundantly at the internet. That make parent confused to choose the right materials for their children. I was confused too, I download all freebies that I could get, bought online learning website’s membership, bought books, then I overloaded!
Since my son began his 2nd grade, I’m not greedy. I realized that I should chose. In fact, we were not used all those materials. Many of them were discarded or forgotten.
At his 2nd grade I began to understand Moore Formula’s theory about using less workbook, and more good literature such as encyclopedia, biography, and magazine. So, how I choose the right learning materials that suite with my child’s needs?
1. I read the syllabus, understand it, and start browsing to look for learning materials that we can use according to the syllabus.
2. I collected all the good learning materials that I found from browsing, and start to learn every single of them. From this process I only choose one source, it could be one website or one book.
3. I use the website or book that I chose for a reference of our daily learning. But, we used another learning materials such a video, or other learning method such a discussion or story telling, according to my son’s wishes and needs.
It is important for every parent to understand their child’s best learning method. Sometimes child learn a subject better if using video, or music, or other method, parent must understand about this. By understand this, you can homeschool frugally!

From the series of
31 days homeschool


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