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Visiting Indigenous Friends

visiting indigenous friends
We were just got home after visiting our local friends. They were indigenous people in this remote area. We learn a lot about the culture and, of course, the food!
When we arrived at my friend’s house, we met her father. At age 78th years, he looks younger than his age! It is surprising me. I guess it because he is moving his body everyday, this move has effects as low impact sport.
visiting indigenous friends
My friend, Atik, suddenly serving snacks, candy, and drinks for us. This is a tradition of my country when people visiting friend’s house in Eid Al-Fitr. After some chit chat, Atik asked us to go to her sister’s house. The house is bigger, and have water treatment system… but those are not a system to get clean water for everyday use. The water treatment are for capturing rain water for washing clothes, washing dishes, and take a bath. Water in this remote area is not good for those needs. For drink and cook they use water filtered.
visiting indigenous friendsThese green stocks are filled with water from the pipes above when the rain falls. They are about 1.5 metres tall.
There are special construction in the house. They use coconut leaves as the roof. The coconut leaves makes the room feels cooler than corrugated iron. My son learn a lot about the roof construction and the water system from this visit.
visiting indigenous friendsThe roof made of coconut leaves that folded and woven
This family not just serving us with snacks, but also asked us to lunch! Fried fish, black rendang, prawn balado, sauteed vegetables, sambal, salted fish, and fish cooked with jengkol. Oh my God… they are so delicious! Especially black rendang, this is the best black rendang we ever taste! 
One more thing that my son learn is the hospitality of people in this remote area! They take us more than as friend! I’m so appreciate them, and glad that we can be around them. We went home with mind full of knowledge, full stomach, and heart warmed by the new friendship.


From the series of
31 days homeschool


Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop



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