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Multicultural Children's Book Day: Hour of The Bees

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I am very proud to be chosen as a reviewer in the Multicultural Children's Book Day 2016. Perhaps, I am the only reviewer from my country. That is why I am very excited, because through the Multicultural Children's Book Day 2016 I can introduce the culture of other nations to my son.
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This year, Multicultural Children’s Book Day send me "Hour of The Bees" written by Lindsay Eagar. This book is a novel, which is more appropriate to be read by kids aged 11 years old and above. As adult, I am really enjoy the work of Lindsay Eagar. Her writing is so alive, telling to the reader about conditions in the desert of Mexico with all the desolation and the animals that live there.
Carolina, a 12-year-old girl, spent the summer holidays in the old ranch belonged to his grandfather. Her father wanted to persuade her grandfather to lived in a nursing home in the city, because her grandfather was old and been sick.
In the ranch, Carolina meet grandfather Serge who has an opinion that the drought in ranch is due to the absence of the bees. Grandfather Serge believes that the arrival of the bees will bring rain. Reader of this book will see that there is a gap between Serge’s thought and his son’s, but this gap successfully bridged by Carolina.
This book is very interesting for teenager, especially in Carolina’s adventures when she met a rattlesnake, coyotes, and bees! Carolina's father strongly believed that bees were not there and did not bring rain. However, Carolina repeatedly met the bees at grandfather’s ranch, and miraculously, Serge knew that Carolina had met the bee! A very challenging adventure!
As a teenager, my son really enjoyed reading this book. In my opinion, a teenager who read the book "Hour of The Bees" does not require any additional activity. However, if desired, you can ask your teenager to make a study that aims to prove that Serge’s belief of bees that brought the rain is true or false, in cultural and science point of view.
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Our Mission
The MCCBD team’s mission to spread the word and raise awareness about the importance of diversity in children’s literature. Our young readers need to see themselves within the pages of a book and experience other cultures, languages, traditions and religions within the pages of a book. We encourage readers, parents, teachers, caregivers and librarians to follow along the fun book reviews, author visits, event details, a multicultural children’s book linky and via our hashtag (#ReadYourWorld) on Twitter and other social media.
The co-creators of this unique event are Mia Wenjen from Pragmatic Mom and Valarie Budayr from Jump Into a Book/Audrey Press. You can find a bio for Mia and Valarie here.
Platinum: Wisdom Tales PressStoryQuest Books, Lil Libros
Gold:Tori Nighthawk: Don't Judge A Bird By Its FeatherCandlewick PressBharat Babies
Silver: Lee and Low BooksChronicle BooksCapstone Young Readers, China Institute.orgTuttle PublishingNY Media Works, LLC/KidLit TV
Bronze: Pomelo BooksAuthor Jacqueline WoodsonPapa Lemon BooksGoosebottom Books LLC, Author Gleeson RebelloShoutMouse Press, Author Mahvash Shahegh, Live Oak Media
Multicultural Children’s Book Day has 12 amazing Co-Host: All Done Monkey, Crafty Moms Share, Educators Spin on it, Growing Book by Book, Imagination Soup, I’m Not the Nanny, InCultural Parent, Kid World Citizen, Mama Smiles, Multicultural Kid Blogs, Spanish Playground
Classroom Reading Challenge
Help spread the word on our Classroom Reading Challenge. This very special offering from MCCBD offers teachers and classrooms the chance to (very easily) earn a free hardcover multicultural children's book for their classroom library. These books are not only donated by the Junior Library Guild, but they are pre-screened and approved by them as well.



0 #4 Maria Magdalena 2016-02-08 01:55
Quoting Rebecca Flansburg:
"through the Multicultural Children's Book Day 2016 I can introduce the culture of other nations to my son"...LOVE.THAT! Thanks for a great review of a wonderful book and thank you for participating in MCCBD2016!

You are welcome Rebecca, thank you for reading my article.
0 #3 Rebecca Flansburg 2016-02-07 19:56
"through the Multicultural Children's Book Day 2016 I can introduce the culture of other nations to my son"...LOVE.THAT! Thanks for a great review of a wonderful book and thank you for participating in MCCBD2016!
0 #2 Maria Magdalena 2016-01-28 03:18
Quoting PragmaticMom:
Thanks for your great book review for Multicultural Children's Book Day! I worry about the bees too so this is my kind of book!

This is a very good book! I can't stop reading this :lol:
+1 #1 PragmaticMom 2016-01-27 16:28
Thanks for your great book review for Multicultural Children's Book Day! I worry about the bees too so this is my kind of book!

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